Richard Barnes Academy is committed to providing high quality Careers Learning to help inspire students and to enable them to make well-informed and realistic career decisions. We aim to meet all eight Benchmarks for a “Good Careers Guidance” as identified by the Gatsby Foundation.
Our Leadership team views careers as being the responsibility of all staff in our academy. We can all make small changes in the curriculum that can have a big impact in the classrooms.
We work closely with Growth Works with Skills to deliver a quality careers programme, and you can find out more information about their support from:-
We would like all subject areas to do the following:
have a prominent display that links subject learning and skill development to different careers
develop links with businesses and organisations to invite alumni and other external speakers support careers and curriculum learning
where appropriate to organise external visits by students to local businesses/organisations
take opportunities when presented to cement the link between your curriculum area and careers related learning
take part in careers activities as directed.
consider the needs and interests of all students and ensure that information challenges stereotyping including gender and disability