About RBA
The Richard Barnes Academy is an alternative provision academy which takes learners who have been permanently excluded or at risk of permanent exclusion from mainstream schools.
Admission to The Richard Barnes Academy is via a referral from our Local Authority.
The Richard Barnes Academy offers a broad and balanced curriculum and is a place where pupils experience many successes. Our core purpose is to provide more than just an education for our young people, we create an innovative, personalised alternative learning environment where everyone acquires the belief, opportunities and skills to succeed.
The Richard Barnes Academy has, on average, up to 170 learners on roll in Key Stages 2 to 4. Classes are up to eight learners and are supported by an HLTA/ TA. All learners may or may not have additional learning needs and have been identified as having behavioural, emotional and social difficulties.
The Richard Barnes Academy utilises the support and guidance of external agencies to offer targeted intervention. We have a strong, dedicated staff comprising of teachers, teaching assistants and support staff. We focus strongly on learners’ academic and personal development and on increasing their confidence to prepare them for mainstream experience or for the next stage of their life. All learners have access to a broad and balanced curriculum and the opportunity to achieve a variety of qualifications.
All learners are offered 25 hours of education. In exceptionally rare circumstances any learner whose needs are first met by a flexible timetable are increased to full time with a structured timed plan.